10 Steps To Quit Smoking Habit Forever.
Smoking, or rather any kind of addicition is bad for a person's overall health. It's a way to escape from the reality for a person.

Call Yourself A Book Lover? Check If You Have Read These Amazing Books!
Are you one of those people who love to smell the crisp pages of a newly published book? Check if you read these amazing books.

5 Books That Can Change The Way You Look At Life.
If you ask me, any book you read can make you re-think your life’s ideologies. It can change the way you think. It can change the way you fe

Things You Need To Know About The War In Syria
"I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent" - Mahatma Gan

6 Things To Understand And Overcome the ‘LOST’ Feeling In Your Mid-20s.
The feeling of being lost is quite normal when you are in your mid-20s. A decade ago, when you stepped into your teens, your body went...

10 Ways To Stay Calm And Cool During The Thunderous Boards Season.
photo credit Random doubts and discussions with friends, countless mugs of coffee, group studies, sleepless nights and hours of revision...

What's The Real Meaning Of Feminism & What People Tend To Perceive It.
Feminism, Equality, Justice, terms that seem too huge to be real. Many people have a variety of views on these. Celebrating women, giving...

Don’t Call Yourself A Movie Buff Until You Have Watched These Movies
If you’re anything like me, movies for you are not just a thing for entertainment. You don’t only watch a movie for fun and relaxation,...

5 Over-Hyped Television Series People Go Crazy About.
Since long before the era of technology and mobile phones taking up all of our times, we have this amazing thing called television. And...

10 Romantic Tips To Make Your Valentine's Day The Most Memorable!
It is the time of love and I can already feel it in the air. All of you must be scratching your head to come up with a new idea or a...

Let's Put a Stop To Period Shaming Together. #EndPeriodShaming
How do people manage to be more disgusted with Periods than with rape, murder or violence? It’s a funny fact that even after Periods...

Met Padman? Here Are Some Other Heroes Who Brought A Real Change.
Thanks to Mr. Akshay Kumar, we all know about the Padman now. What a great man Mr. Arunachalam Muruganantham is, and what all he had done...

Republic Day 2018 : 10 Asian leaders who will be the honorable guests this year!
India celebrates it's Republic day on 26th January every year, marking the day when the Constitution was formed. On this day, Delhi sees...

Let's Make Sure We Live In Mumbai, not Next Delhi!!
No, we don’t want to be next Delhi. At least not after what's happening these days when people are not only not able to see clearly, but...

Ever Had A Road Trip With A Dog? Here Are Some Tips!!
Autumn is here in the US and it’s a great time for a road trip. The leaves are changing colors in most places and soon most trees will be...