"Snapchat CEO: India is poor!" Read in what context he said it.
Couple of weeks ago when Snapchat Ceo called India poor in an interview, people just went furious and started uninstalling Snapchat (...

Top 10 Bollywood films of 2016
The year 2016 is been splendid for Bollywood in many ways. From “Neerja” to “Dangal” we came across different content and some...

The Rainbow Smile
Woke from an unfinished dream by the faint tapping on the window, the pane was smoked and view hazy. The night was wet with light drizzle...

These 5 Changes on WhatsApp May Add More Fun To It. Or Not?
Well! well! well! who isn't familiar with one of the most popular applications used worldwide - "WhatsApp". Be it from the youngest...

10 Quotes By Paulo Coelho That Will Inspire You
Anybody who has read a single book or aspires to read one knows the “Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho, a book every person in the world should...