Zakir Khan's Video About His Father Is The Most Beautiful Thing You Will See On This Father'

Today is the day dedicated to our fathers, the strong pillars of our life. They are the support system behind every decision we make. They make it a point of making things right when we stumble upon any mistakes or mishaps. Our dads often have the tendency of limiting their own expenditures to fulfill our (sometimes immature unnecessary) demands, and we love them and respect them for that. We also get their silent nods of appreciation when we do something good in our lives, these small gestures are what inspire us to take risks with confidence in order to follow our dreams. We all are aware of Zakir Khan’s video about his dad “papa please preach more” where he talks about his awesome father. Man, we respect that guy for his thoughts and bits of advice he gave. And most of all we thank him for bringing in this world his amazingly talented son Zakir. Thanks for your pieces of advice and please preach more.
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Let's watch the video and rejoice this special day. Let’s just recollect our childhood memories with our dads and the teachings they gave us to make us better humans and ensure our survival in this tough world.