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Chai Facts: Things You Should Know About Your Morning Chai!

Are you someone who would go completely crazy if you don’t get your dose of CHAI! Well then read through to know more about your everyday cup of happiness.

Talking about facts, tea means the plant Camellia Sinensis, and all variety of the product known commercially as tea is made from the leaves of this plant.

Tea was accidentally discovered after a tea leaf fell in a bowl of hot water of a Chinese emperor.

It gained popularity in the 16th century and it is the world’s second most consumed drink-the first is water of course. It is an important part of the culture of not just India but Britain, Japan, China, Turkey, Ireland and many others. It is the national drink of Iran and Afghanistan.

With experimental tea brewers across the world, different types of teas were formed such as herbal tea, mint tea, Genmaicha (Japanese tea), Karkade (Egyptian tea), Earl Gray, Orange Pekoe etc.

The consumption of tea was divided into High Tea and Low Tea or Afternoon tea. High Tea was consumed with dinner at a high dining table during the Victorian Era. Low Tea or Afternoon tea was consumed during the early evening along with light snacks before dinner.

Our favourite chai which almost costs us under Rs.10 on a daily basis is not really the most affordable at some places.

Da Hong Pao, a medicinal tea from China is the globe’s costliest tea. It has saved lives, it was first used to cure the mother of a Chinese Emperor and this made it cost over a million dollars.

The most expensive tea in India is the Silver Tips Imperial tea from Darjeeling which was auctioned for $1,850 which is 1.12 Lakh for a kilo in 2014.


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Tea is not only loved for its taste but also for all its medicinal properties

-Tea has antioxidants that protect us from pollution.

-Tea has less caffeine than coffee and some tea recipes can achieve the taste of coffee.

-Tea reduces chances of heart attack and Stroke.

-It protects bones and helps reduce weight.

-It makes your mouth feel fresh and even keep teeth white.

-It boosts your immune system and helps battle cancer.

And the list goes on. With different combinations, a lot of diseases and allergies are treated with tea.

According to health experts, drinking not more than 5 cups of caffeinated tea is good for a day but one can consume around 6-8 cups of herbal or green tea.

With the fast-paced life, the most travel-friendly and instant form of tea is teabags and the discovery of that is hilarious. Once a tea server in the US- Thomas Sullivan packed tea in small silk bags to distribute to his customers in 1908. Some of the customers thought the bags are to be dipped in instead of poured like metal infusers and rest is history.

If we sit down counting, there are more than 1,500 different types of teas (Tasting them all should be on your bucket list). The one widely consumed in India is called Chai, which is made with boiled water, tea leaves, Vanilla, Milk and added elements like Garlic, Cinnamon, and other spices.

To express your love for tea, You can take a Tea Tour to these Indian states and try the different teas found there.

-Darjeeling, Assam, Dooars and Terai, Kangra, Nilgiri, Annamalais, Wayanaad, Karnataka, Munnar, Travancore.


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